Starline 30 Carbine Brass

SKU: 2520

From: $31.78

In Stock
0.00032 0.00032
0.01201 0.01201
31.77820 31.77820
0.27280 0.27280
31.77978 31.77978
0.09513 0.09513

Starline 30 Carbine Brass 

Designed for use by the US military as a light carbine in the 1940’s, the .30 carbine was used in the venerable M1 Carbine and the full auto M2 version.  The gun of choice for many soldiers in WWII the M1 is still very popular today.  Ruger also offers the .30 Carbine in their popular Blackhawk revolver and new M1’s are available from Auto-Ordnance.


*  This is NOT loaded or primed ammunition *

Product Information

Component Type

Pistol, Rifle


30 Carbine

Primer Size

Small Rifle







Box Qty

50, 100, 250, 500, 1000

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