Hornady 270 Winchester Brass - 50ct

SKU: BRH8635


In Stock

Only 2 left in stock

0.00032 0.00032
0.01153 0.01153
30.99000 30.99000
0.23213 0.23213
30.99155 30.99155
0.09216 0.09216

Hornady 270 Winchester Brass – 50ct

Hornady 270 Winchester Brass is produced with precision, tight uniform tolerances, concentricity, weight and capacity.  As a result, tight wall concentricity helps to ensure proper bullet seating in both the case and the chamber of your firearm.  This also aids in a uniform release of the bullet on firing, for optimal velocity and accuracy.  Also, see our bulk discounted pricing.  The more you buy the more you save!  As a result of our bulk discounts, we carry a healthy inventory of this brass.

SHIPPING COST SAVINGS:  To maximize your shipping costs, purchase in quantities of 150.

This is not loaded ammunition.

Another important component to consider, are you needing projectiles to go along with your brass?  See our selection of 6.8mm projectiles.  Because you may be reloading for a PRS match, hunting, or range plinking, our selection meets all those disciplines.  Since we use flat rate shipping, go ahead and fill the box with brass and bullets.  Many of our customers take advantage of this to save big on shipping costs.

Lastly, if you are looking for a reputable business to process your fired brass, check out our sister company Texas Brassworks.  They provide world class service and can prep your brass into bench rest quality.  As a result, you will have high quality reloads for your next shoot.

Technical Information

  • Hornady Product Number:  8635
  • Manufacturer:  Hornady
  • Caliber: 270 Winchester
  • Qty:  50 per Bag
  • Type:  Unprimed Rifle Brass
  • Finish: Brass

Product Information



Component Type



270 Win

Primer Size

Large Rifle





Box Qty


Arm or Ally

Arm or Ally is a stocking dealer for all Aero Precision, Faxon Firearms, Ballistic Advantage, HOLOSUN, Toolcraft, Elftmann Tactical, Timney, TriggerTech, HIPERFIRE and was named the #1 Overall E-Commerce Dealer for Aero Precision Products in 2020!

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